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Landslide Remediation through revegetation – an Auckland Council Guide

Are you a KMR landowner affected by the recent floods or Cyclone?

Have a wetland you want to protect? Talk to us!

Gill and Kevin Adshead

Phil, Vern and Terry Wearmouth – Kauri Park – Kaiwaka

David Byles – Farming for future generations

Maungaturoto beef farmer Ian Cawkwell who has teamed up with KMR to fast-track native tree regeneration

Ian Cawkwell – Bringing back the natives

KMR and Fonterra partnership delivers environmental action on the ground

KMR is on the lookout for landowners and groups who are keen to lead a change!

Lance Nepia (Rural Design)

Johnson Contractors Ltd

QEII and KMR working together in South Head