Objectives and Principles
Investment objectives and key principles
Kaipara Moana Remediation supports projects that boost local community involvement, strengthen unity, enhance skills and improve land use. Our investments also aim to increase land productivity, raise awareness of environmental protection, and incorporate Māori knowledge into restoration efforts.

KMR invests in projects that support one or more of the following objectives:
- Mobilise local community participation in local solutions
- Build kotahitanga by enabling the community to work together
- Upskill local tangata and support training and employment opportunities for effective land management.
- Increase the utility of land that is currently not productive or marginally commercial.
- Raise awareness of and provide education opportunities for the environmental protection of Kaipara Moana.
- Incorporate Matāuranga Māori into restoration efforts.

Key principles
For all KMR investments, we are guided by the following overarching principles:
- Equity: Applications are welcome from all landowners, iwi/hapū, marae, community groups, catchment groups and other collectives in the catchment.
- Impact: Priority will be given to projects which achieve the greatest sediment reduction outcomes.
- Agreement: Landowner agreement must be obtained before planting or other remediation works (i.e., fencing) are undertaken on the whenua.
- Shared contributions: Matched funding must be contributed by the landowner, industry or the community, either in cash or in kind.
- Delivery: Projects that have a realistic chance of achieving outcomes will be prioritised.
- Focus: KMR funding support will focus on projects identified in a Sediment Reduction Plan and cover up to 50% of the estimated costs of eligible project activities (up to 70% for Whenua Whānui Fund project activities).
Together, we're making good progressE anga mua ana ā tātou mahi ngātahi
To date, KMR has delivered the following results on the ground:
Jobs & Skills
of new work – a year’s work for over 225 people
$ 0m
invested in restoration projects
local businesses and nurseries accredited to supply KMR
people trained and mentored, many from local iwi/hapū
Engagement & Participation
landowners/groups have expressed interest in KMR
plans completed with landowners/groups
plans in development
projects led by hapū, marae, community groups, catchment groups and other collectives.
Nature & Resilience
plants in the ground or contracted to plant
planted or contracted, or regenerating into native forest
of fencing completed or contracted – the distance from Cape Rēinga to Auckland and back
managed under KMR plans