KMR is on the lookout for landowners and groups who are keen to lead a change!
Are you keen to work on your land to reduce sediment?
Would you like to try something larger-scale or more innovative in 2023?
Are you open to sharing your learnings with others and leading the charge in how we can reduce sediment flows into the Kaipara Moana?
Kaipara Moana Remediation – KMR – aims to halve sediment flows into the Kaipara Moana (harbour). To achieve this, KMR works with landowners to support projects that protect and restore waterways by fencing off and planting rivers, streams, wetlands and coastal margins.
In 2023, we also want to work with landowners and/or groups across the catchment who are keen to undertake larger-scale and/or innovative sediment reduction projects, and to share their experience and learnings with others in their community, iwi/hapū, or sector.
Is this for you?
- Are you up for starting an on-the-ground project in 2023 to reduce erosion and sediment going into waterways? This could be a larger-scale riparian/wetland restoration project, innovative planting or regeneration in highly erodible hill country, or other actions that target land with high sediment risk, and
- You may be at any stage of your remediation journey, but need to be willing to share your experience and learnings with others.
Why work with KMR?
KMR will fund up to 50% of the costs of the remediation activity and will go the extra mile to help projects to get off the ground. We can support some project management costs (in line with our Whenua Whānui Fund criteria) and will help connect projects to additional third-party funding where possible.
KMR will provide a Field Advisor to help you plan your project and, depending on the nature of the project, can also enable access to other specialist advice as needed and/or mentoring to support applicants to achieve their aspirations.
In return, we ask that landowners/groups are willing to share their learnings with others e.g. through a field day, small focus group with other landowners, or a case study. These shared learnings can help us all to navigate the remediation approaches of the future.
Examples of potential Navigator projects are as follows:
- Large-scale wetland restoration projects
- Large-scale community riparian planting projects
- Kānuka space planting to stabilise hill slopes
- Retirement of land and managed native regeneration
- Mixed exotic hardwood and native forest to stabilise hill slopes
- Sediment detention bunds or sediment traps
The Process
If you’ve already got an idea for a project, fill out this form (kmr.org.nz/funding). If you want to know more, flick us an email at hono@kmr.org.nz and we’ll set up a time to chat. While we may not be able to fund every project, we’re keen to hear about your ideas.
We need to receive your Expression of Interest by 5pm Sunday 19 February 2023.
We’ll pick a few project ideas that demonstrate a cross-section of actions, landowners or groups, and environments across the catchment. We’ll work with the project leaders to further develop the project, with a view to starting work in winter 2023.
If this doesn’t sound like you but you would still like to understand what you can do on your land to reduce erosion and sedimentation, please reach out at hono@kmr.org.nz