Nau Mai,
Haere Mai
Welcome to Kaipara Moana Remediation

The Kaipara HarbourKaipara Moana
The Kaipara Moana is Aotearoa’s largest harbour system. It is a place of deep spiritual and cultural value, a space with its own mauri and identity imbued with a mana of its own. As the largest natural harbour in the Southern Hemisphere, it is also a place of global significance.
Let's work togetherTēnā kia ngātahi te mahi
KMR is a decade-long collaboration to protect and restore the mauri of the Kaipara Moana. Our long-term goal is to halve the sediment flowing into local waterways and the harbour. Everyone benefits when our precious soils remain on the land where they belong. Across many parts of Northland and Auckland, KMR invests in projects to restore wetlands, fence off rivers and streams, and plant trees or regenerate forest on erosion-prone land.
Our projects:
- Help valued species to thrive
- Restore mahinga kai
- Diversify on-farm income
- Help meet environmental standards
- Increase resilience to extreme weather.
Come and join the hundreds of landowners and groups already working with KMR.

Landowner Grants

Whenua Whānui Fund

Apply Now

Are you in the catchment?Kei roto tō whenua i te rohe papa awa?
As Aotearoa’s largest harbour system, the Kaipara Moana catchment spans 6,000km2 across both Auckland and Northland, including over 8,110km of rivers and streams.
The Kaipara Moana has deep environmental and cultural values, with many taonga species and some of the rarest ecosystems in New Zealand, including sand-dune, seagrass, and freshwater and estuarine wetland ecosystems. As the nursery for much of New Zealand’s snapper fishery, the Kaipara Harbour also has major economic and recreational value.
Together, we're making good progressE anga mua ana ā tātou mahi ngātahi
To date, KMR has delivered the following results on the ground:
Nature & Resilience
plants in the ground or contracted to plant
planted or contracted, or regenerating into native forest
of fencing completed or contracted – the distance from Kerikeri to Wellington
managed under KMR plans
The people of KMRŌ tātou tāngata

March, 2025
KMR Welcomed By Te Uru Rākau To Share Learnings

February, 2025
Rob & Mandy Pye