Pānui – July 2024
Progress in Kaipara Moana Remediation continues to ramp up as we celebrate the winter solstice.
More than 1.7 million plants — largely native grasses and trees —have been planted or are contracted to go in the ground this winter.
Planting trees on the whenua embodies the principles that guide Matariki – remembering those who have passed since the last rising of Matariki, celebrating the present with family, friends and workmates, and looking to the future — trees are a lasting legacy on the landscape.
Many of KMR’s Whenua Whānui Fund projects align to this year’s Matariki heri kai — our planting projects help nurture the natural world where many whānau and community source food, including forests (relevant to the Tupuārangi star), fresh water (Waitī) and the ocean (Waitā).