Leadership Team

KMR leadership team

The KMR leadership team bring demonstrated expertise in the environment, strategy and governance, sustainable land use, climate change, research and development, and digital value-creation. Our executive leaders have experience working internationally, in central and local government, and with and for iwi/hapū.  Many of the leadership team affiliate to Kaipara Uri or other mana whenua.

Justine Daw

Pou Tātaki

Emma Doré

Amo - Pākihi | Business Manager

Lisette Rawson

Amo - Rauora Kōawa  | Catchment Remediation Manager | Ngāti Kahu / Ngāpuhi ki Whangaroa

Ben Hope

Ringa-Pārongo | Communications Lead

Marina Ford

Ringa Taki Hononga Mana Whenua | Ngāti Whātua, Te Uri o Hau, Waikato Tainui