Suppliers and Nurseries
Accredited suppliers
KMR has teamed up with local businesses, iwi/hapū providers, and whānau-based teams to deliver KMR services and materials. Our accredited suppliers are local to the Kaipara Moana catchment, meet a range of quality and ethical standards, and operate in alignment to KMR values. Our accredited suppliers work closely with local communities, and are committed to the wellbeing, health and safety, and skills development of their people.

Accredited nurseries
The 600,000-hectare Kaipara Moana catchment spans 9 ecological districts. ‘Eco-districts’ are determined by the local topography, geology, climate, soils, plants and animals. Eco-districts are important for KMR’s planting projects, as they reflect which species of plants and trees will grow naturally in a location.
KMR has a commitment to eco-sourcing: in our planting projects: we only use native plants and trees that have been grown from seeds collected in the same eco-district. For that reason, all KMR planting projects must use plants supplied by our accredited nurseries.
Some of KMR’s accredited nurseries are businesses open to the public, while others are small local or family-run nurseries. If you would like to purchase plants from our nurseries, we recommend you email or give the nursery a call ahead of time.
Together, we're making good progressE anga mua ana ā tātou mahi ngātahi
To date, KMR has delivered the following results on the ground:
Jobs & Skills
of new work – a year’s work for over 225 people
$ 0m
invested in restoration projects
local businesses and nurseries accredited to supply KMR
people trained and mentored, many from local iwi/hapū
Nature & Resilience
plants in the ground or contracted to plant
planted or contracted, or regenerating into native forest
of fencing completed or contracted – the distance from Kerikeri to Wellington
managed under KMR plans