Environs Holdings Ltd Contract Signed
A contract signed last month with Environs Holdings Ltd signals a strong ongoing commitment from KMR to enable Māori to further exercise their kaitiaki position over the mauri of Kaipara Moana. Environs Holdings Limited (‘Environs’), acting on behalf of all of the moana-facing Uri, is responsible for the implementation of activities that advance the wellbeing of hapū and whanau, and to their natural resources within rohe surrounding the moana.
Through the contract, Environs will provide critical support and leadership through Willie Wright’s appointment to the senior Mana Whenua Relations and Engagement role, lead and coordinate the Mātauranga Māori Strategy for KMR and provide policy advice to both the Maurikura and Joint Committee.
Environs will also develop 100 Sediment Reduction Plans that focus on highly erodible coastal lands, especially around the Kaipara’s foreshore and around marae. They will coordinate with marae/hapū groups, Māori landowners, and other landowners and community groups. This contract reflects KMR’s commitment to the kaupapa and guiding principles of the KMR Programme.