July 30, 2024

Celebrating Success

On 25 July, KMR Chair Tame Te Rangi and Pou Tātaki Justine Daw presented to the Planning, Environment & Parks Committee of Auckland Council on KMR’s performance in its first 2½ years of operations, and thanked Auckland Council for its ongoing support and investment as one of KMR’s founding partners.  Auckland Mayor Wayne Brown and other Councillors were complementary of KMR’s achievements to date, acknowledged the widespread effort underway across the catchment to protect and restore the harbour, and invited KMR to keep on sharing our learnings with others, including to support remediation of other harbours in the Auckland region.

You can read the story from the OurAuckland website.

Image – KMR Chair Tame Te Rangi, KMR Pou Tātaki Justine Daw, Steph Versteeg (KMR) & Dominic Wilson (Auckland Council).

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