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Stories of the Moana – We want to hear from you!

In celebration of Willie’s New Year’s Honour, we are running an open competition to hear from you! We would like to receive your favourite stories, photos, or videos, via any format about the Kaipara Moana:

  • Memories of the Moana – We are interested in hearing about your experiences on or nearby the Moana in times gone by! What did the Moana mean to you? What was it like? How did you enjoy the Moana? What were the waterways like? The shellfish? The fish, the birds, or the other living creatures?
  • Restoring the Moana – We are interested in learning about how your relatives, or your ancestors spoke about the Moana! And how this has shaped your thinking about the Moana, and how you or your whānau act now to restore and protect the harbour.

We welcome entries from anyone but have a special award for schoolchildren in addition to the two award categories above.

Send your entries to

Hint:  It won’t be a surprise to learn that the prizes may well come in the form of something green…and plantable!

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