Landowner Hui Planned For November
The Landowner Grant Scheme is now in place and almost 200 landowners have registered their interest with the scheme. All interested landowners have been contacted to acknowledge their interest and to invite them to upcoming landowner hui planned for November, including two community meetings and an online webinar. Dates may change due to Covid restrictions, with the latest information below.
The hui will be an opportunity for landowners from throughout the catchments of Kaipara Moana to learn about the grants funding process and criteria, provide feedback on criteria, speak to Programme team members and ask questions, followed by a barbecue at the community hui.
These are the latest dates and times:
COMMUNITY HUI: 10th November 11am-1pm – Mangakāhia Sports Complex, Corner Mangakāhia Road and Kerehunga Road, Porotī.
WEBINAR: 12th November 1.00pm-2.30pm – Kaipara Moana Remediation and Landowners Engagement. Join the webinar by clicking here
COMMUNITY HUI: 17th November, 11am-1pm – Kaiwaka Sports Association, 2 Gibbons Road, Kaiwaka 0573.
Landowners are encouraged to come along, with the hui open to all landowners in the catchment area. Please click here to RSVP to let us know which hui you would like to attend.