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July Public Hui – A Focus on the Whenua Whānui Fund

We’re hosting our next Public Zui – Monday July 4, 3-4pm.

The agenda for the hui is set out below, and we would welcome your attendance. The event will be recorded and placed online for those who can’t make this date and time.

  1. Opening/Welcome
  2. KMR Programme Projects Update
  3. What is the Whenua Whānui Fund?
  4. Our next 6 months
  5. Open for questions
  6. Whakamutunga

Our main focus for this hui is to talk about the Whenua Whānui Fund, the kind of projects we’re looking to work on, how you can apply, and what the process involves.

Zoom details –

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Meeting ID: 841 3031 1300
Passcode: 530634

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