Landowner Grants

What projects can KMR fund?

Projects must be based in the Kaipara Moana catchment. From the start, KMR has supported sediment reduction projects near waterways.  This remains an important focus for KMR given that river- and streambanks are a major source of sediment loss from the land into the Kaipara Moana, particularly in the Auckland region.

Today, KMR invests in a wider range of projects across the landscape, including supporting appropriate treatment of steep, erodible hill country where there is a high risk of sediment loss to waterways. KMR can co-invest in:

  • Fencing to protect waterways
  • Native planting near waterways and the coastal margin
  • Projects that treat erodible hill country:
    • Continuous canopy and permanent forest cover using native species or non-weedy, non-pine exotic species (e.g. eucalypts or redwoods)
    • Fencing and management to support regeneration of native forest
    • Space planting of poplars while maintaining some grazing.

KMR prioritises projects on steep land with bare earth or signs of active movement and erosion, particularly if the land drains directly into a waterway or the Kaipara Moana itself.  We also prioritise land previously affected by floods, storms and cyclones.

Who can apply?

Applicants for the Landowner Grant usually have an interest in the land proposed for the KMR project.  Typically, the landowner or land manager will apply to KMR.  Where the applicant is not the legally registered landowner, they will need the written consent of that person or entity.

How does the funding work?

Submit your interest in applying for KMR funding.

A Kaipara Moana Remediation Field Advisor (Field Advisor) will contact you to schedule a site visit.

The Field Advisor will assist you to develop your sediment reduction plan and identify possible projects eligible for funding.

The Field Advisor will submit your application to a KMR representative for approval.

Once the project is approved, a contract will be signed by you and a KMR representative.

Work on the project can only begin after the contract is signed.

After the project is completed, a KMR Field Advisor will visit your site to confirm that work is completed to the agreed standards.

After KMR approves your project, you will be reimbursed the grant amount specified in the contract once each stage of work is completed.

What we can’t fund

KMR can’t retrospectively fund projects – get in touch with us early so we can support your project! We cannot fund projects required under resource consent, nor projects to landscape or beautify a site.

We cannot fund:

  • Capital infrastructure
  • Establishment costs for a business
  • Water quality monitoring
  • Research

We typically support projects over 0.25 hectares in size, and projects on land blocks over 20 hectares. Other criteria also apply, so get in touch to check if your project is eligible for KMR support.

Together, we're achieving great results

To date, KMR has delivered the following results on the ground:

Nature & Resilience


plants in the ground or contracted to plant


planted or contracted, or regenerating into native forest


of fencing completed or contracted – the distance from Kerikeri to Wellington


managed under KMR plans

Apply now for a Landowner Grant