Our PeopleNgā Tāngata

Meet the people of KMR

KMR acts as a catalyst to support and sustain ongoing environmental restoration projects across the Kaipara Moana catchment.

As we scale up our efforts, KMR works with and through a growing number of local businesses, nurseries, mana whenua, industry and other partners to engage and support a diverse range of landowners and groups. As KMR is a voluntary programme, the people on the ground are key to our success.

Accredited Suppliers

Accredited Nurseries

Strategic Partners

The KMR team

The Kaipara Maurikura is the operational unit that leads the delivery of KMR activities.  We are a small group of passionate and committed experts who work across the catchment.

The KMR BoardWhiri Ngātahi

The KMR Board (known as the KMR Joint Committee) provides governance direction and decision-making to KMR, as set out in the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).

The Joint Committee comprises 12 members representing the MOU signatories:

  • Ngā Maunga Whakahii o Kaipara (2 members)
  • Te Uri o Hau (2 members)
  • Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Whātua (2 members)
  • Northland Regional Council (3 members)
  • Auckland Council (3 members)

The Joint Committee appoints a Chair from the Kaipara Uri members (Tame Te Rangi, Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Whātua), and a Deputy Chair from the council members (Amy Macdonald, Northland Regional Council).

The people of KMRŌ tātou tāngata

KMR Welcomed By Te Uru Rākau To Share Learnings

Rob & Mandy Pye

Nurseries praised for their growth

Together, we're making good progressE anga mua ana ā tātou mahi ngātahi

To date, KMR has delivered the following results on the ground:

Jobs & Skills


of new work – a year’s work for over 225 people

$ 0m

invested in restoration projects


local businesses and nurseries accredited to supply KMR


people trained and mentored, many from local iwi/hapū