June 7, 2021
KMR Progress – Nine Months On
It has now been nine months since the Kaipara Moana Remediation Joint Committee was formed in October 2020, and four months since the Deed of Funding was finalised and Crown funding of $9.6 million for Year One was released.
The last six months have been a hive of energy developing the systems, processes and structures needed for the programme, while also seeing practical wins on the ground. Some of the key mahi has been:
- Developing the work plan and budgets for 2021/22
- Developing strategies to support the programme around communications, nursery capacity, and workforce and procurement
- Assessing the capacity of nurseries and the workforce needed to carry out fencing and planting
- Developing a hapū and community partnerships scheme
- Developing the landowner grants scheme
- Holding public Joint Committee meetings at seven marae around the Kaipara
- Setting up the operational body for the programme, Kaipara Maurikura.
- Progressing over $1,000,000 in assistance to on-farm remediation work.
It’s been a hugely busy period laying strong foundations for this decade-long, $300 million programme, and we know that restoring Kaipara Moana will take the commitment and action of everyone who lives and works in the catchment.